Thursday, September 24, 2009

Delight to my Soul

Discipline your son, and he will give you peace;
he will bring delight to your soul.
Proverbs 29:17

Oh this sweet boy I get the privilege of calling my son has certainly kept me on my toes this week. He has ALWAYS been very spirited, however, this week, the little man has made sure I am well aware that he is quickly approaching two years old and he definitely knows what he wants when he wants it whether or not you agree with his decisions. Just last night we had a "fun" time getting Maddox to eat his dinner....we were having spaghetti (which is one of his favorite meals by the way) and he just did not think eating dinner was that great of an idea and he would rather turn his head away from you and throw a fit rather than eat; therefore, I had to get him down from the table 4 times to go to timeout until we came to an "agreement" that he must sit in his high chair without throwing a fit and eat his dinner. It was not a matter of him not liking his meal it was simply a battle of the wills and I had to stand firm and not give in.

Poor little man, I feel like I am constantly getting on to him because sometimes he just misplaces those precious ears of his and he cannot hear what I am saying to him (well, I am sure the ears are still there as I can see them and I know for a fact he can hear me, he is just using that wonderful male gene of selective hearing and does not want to hear certain things.) However, this evening he did much better at listening and obeying, which makes this momma feel so much better. I hate it when I have to get on to him for what seems like small things; however, I strive to make sure we are teaching Maddox manners and right from wrong...ALL the time, not just some of the time. I know I am doing what the Lord called me to do and I pray for peace because it sure gets tough some days...but I know in the long run it will all be worth it when we see our little on as a kind, well behaved, God fearing, compassionate man of the Lord.

Thank you Jesus for blessing our lives with our spirited little man, please continue to guide us and give us your wisdom!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Miss you already

The house feels a little lonely this afternoon as Maddox see, the Voda grand parents were in town over the weekend and sadly they returned home this morning. Maddox misses all the play time and the lovin' and I miss the company and the extra hands to entertain the Madd-man! Thank you guys so much for coming to visit us and for being such amazing grandparents (not to mention the best in-laws a gal could ask for!) Unfortunately I was horrible with the camera this weekend and did not take any pictures.
We miss you already!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Joy of the Lord

My heart overflows with joy this evening as I watch Maddox light up when his daddy walks in the door, then the precious little boy proceeds to "tell" daddy all about his day in long full sentences with hand motions and everything (I am still looking for a baby babble interpreter if anyone knows someone...hahah) My heart overflows with joy as I watch Maddox run and hug his grand mom Voda and papa Voda, giving them kisses and huge hugs. My heart overflows with joy as I watch Maddox snuggle in for "night night" gazing at his ceiling stars with his faithful companion, peaceful. My heart overflows with joy as I ponder what the Lord has in store for our family!

Thank you Jesus for being my JOY!!!
These pictures were taken a year ago today!! My how the "big" man has changed!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Get Your Guns UP

Fight Raiders Fight!
Fight Raiders Fight! Fight for the School we Love so Dearly!
We'll hit 'em High!We'll Hit 'em Low! We'll Push the Ball Across the Goal!
Tech, Fight! Fight!
We'll Praise your name,
Boost you to Fame!
Fight for the Scarlet and the Black!
We will Hit 'em, We will Wreck 'em!
Hit 'em, Wreck 'em Texas Tech!

And the Victory Bells will Ring out!