Sunday, December 6, 2009

Through the Eyes of the Curious

All is quiet in the Kalivoda house. Brad is putting Maddox to bed, the Christmas tree is glowing in the corner, the warmth of the heater is blowing and the feel of the Christmas Season is upon us. I love this time of year, the colder weather, the beautiful Christmas lights, the smell of Cinnamon, the red and green decorations.....however, this Christmas Season I am already learning a lot about seeing the season through the eyes of the curious...the eyes of our sweet Maddox. When he sees a Christmas tree, anywhere, he points it out and stares for a minute and says "BIG" (even if it is a small tree). While driving around he loudly and so excitedly points out every house, building or tree that has Christmas lights beautifully glowing ....constantly asking for "one more". I love to watch him get excited about the "frilly" parts of the Christmas Season...and I am even more excited to watch him get excited about the TRUE parts of Christmas....the tiny baby lying in a manger who came to live a life to die for us and rescue his children!! He is constantly asking us to read him his "Jesus Book" and sits so quietly and amazed as we read him story after story about our Lord and Savior!! It truly is the most amazing thing I have every experienced to watch through the eyes of our child, see what he sees and how exciting Christmas truly is! It is absolutely impossible to not get in the spirit of things while having a little one point out how beautiful this time of year is.
Thank you my sweet sweet boy for being so honest, genuine, curious, observant and excited to see all the beautiful things around you...and thank you for constantly sharing those new discoveries with me. You are constantly teaching me, your mommy, new things and for that I am forever continue to provide more and more happiness to our lives everyday!!!

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