Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Just Embrace It

Life gets busy. Raising children is tiring. It is easy to get so caught up in "raising" the kids that I often miss out on the joy of being a mom. I'm worried about manners, respect, teaching the kids to honor and to always do what's right. I focus on making sure they are learning and pushing themselves to try harder every day. I want them to be strong and courageous, yet gentle and courteous. I long for them to have a life changing relationship with The Lord and to follow Him in all that they do. I'm eager for strong bonds of brotherhood and the desire to stand up for what is right. All of these things are greatly important, but at the end of the day, I must remember to take time and ENJOY them. I want to love on them. Play in the rain. Dance in the living room. Bake cookies late at night. Laugh and act silly. I want to stop in the midst of the chaos, and just embrace it. I want to tune out the arguments and focus on the hearts! I want to remember this time with threr young kiddos and laugh at all the fun we've had. Sure, we will keep consistent with discipline and all the virtues we long for our children to have, but I will lower my expectations and love love love my three greatest blessings!!

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