Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I just want to take a minute and brag on our eldest boy! Oh Maddox Bradley, this child is amazing. His heart is pure gold. His spirit is kind and God-seeking. He is a great friend. A rule follower. A justice seeker. He is brave. He faces new people or situations with such grace and ease. 
Recently, he has discovered that his kindle has an alarm feature on it. He decided he wanted to set his alarm to wake him up at 7am. When I go in to make sure everyone is up and moving (usually around 7:15 or so), he is fully dressed, sitting on his bed (which he made and put all the decorative pillows up) and he is reading his Bible or writing a note to me or Brad. And, if this show of responsibility isn't enough, he has even begun to lay out his uniform the night before (which may not sound like a big deal, but he even remembers to lay out the proper clothes for Wednesday's, which is chapel days and their uniform is different for that day). 
We are blessed. He is such a good example for his brother and sister. He is sweet. He is kind hearted. He is helpful and genuine. He changes the world for the better every single day, just by being himself!

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