Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fun with Daddy

One of my favorite things about becoming a mom is watching my amazing husband transform into an outstanding daddy. I clearly remember the first thing Brad said when we found out Maddox was a boy was "Oh my, now I have the responsibility to teach him how to become a MAN." Brad has always been very aware of his responsibility to our boys that he has a huge roll in molding them into the young men they will be someday. Brad has always been the one to encourage that we stay tough on the boys and guide them to become gentle men who listen, respect women, are kind and tough at the same time. I love the evenings when Brad gets home from work and he puts away "work Brad" and transform to "daddy"
Even when Brad is completely exhausted from a crazy day at work, he finds the energy to wrestle, listen to stories, read books, chase little boys, play guns, play catch and be the hero of the day. The boys LOVE when daddy comes home and it is such a blessing to watch the three of them interact together! I am forever grateful for such an amazing husband who treats me with the utmost respect and loves his family so deeply.

This evening was no exception. Brad jumped right in and started playing with the boys! Such a beautiful evening with my beautiful family!

Throwing drills

Paxton the noodle, my handsome hubs, and Maddox pretending to throw a baseball

Throwing together

Paxton wanted to play catch as well

Brad and Madd playing catch

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