Sunday, May 27, 2012

We Love Summer

Summer is officially upon us. I am trying to take advantage of the beautiful weather and get the kids outside playing together and making memories as a family. I realize that our summer with drastically change when our sweet little Harper makes her arrival. I am trying to purposely invest as much time into the lives of our boys before my time is split with the on going demands that a newborn with bring.
We have started the last few mornings with a fun adventure to the park.  The boys have really enjoyed the time to play somewhere new and I love that both boys can maneuver through this particular playground with ease. I am able to keep my eye on them, but I don't have to do any heavy lifting to help Paxton up or down. I have really enjoyed our trips to the park because I can play with the boys and watch them have a good time without the distraction of never ending house work or the need to fold another load of laundry.
To Infinity....and beyond!!


I LOVE to watch how tall Paxton's hair can get when he slides. Gotta love fine baby hair and the static from a slide

Well hello there blue eyes!!

Gosh this kid is getting too big

Paxton needed help burying a pinecone.....Maddox to the rescue

Playing peek-a-boo with daddy!!!

The loves of my life

In the afternoons we have been swimming in the back yard. The water can still be a bit chilly at times, but we try to make the most of it and swim as much as we can. It is amazing to watch drastic improvements in Maddox's swimming abilities. He can now jump in the water from the side (with his mask, snorkel and floaty of corse) and he is getting less and less afraid of water in his eyes. He is very self sufficient in the water as long as he has his floaty on and he will swim the full length of the pool with ease. This makes things much easier on me while my hands are always on Paxton keeping him calm, happy and safe in the water. Paxton has gotten much braver in the water and will often push off from the side and kick his feet to "swim" however, he has decided he does NOT like when the water is too cold and there is no convincing him to try it out if his mind is made up otherwise.

Maddox getting ready to jump in

Great jump Madd-man


Madd and Uncle J getting ready to jump together

Great jumping boys! Thanks for playing with us Uncle J
Sweet cousins enjoying some watermelon

This is life lived to the fullest!!!

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