oh wow! I do believe my heart cannot possibly take any more crying from the little man! The poor guys simply hates his big boy bed....I cannot get him to sleep in that thing at all! I attempted to lay him down for a nap and I made myself let him cry for 10 minutes, after that I would go in and attempt to soothe him. The key word there is "attempt". He was so upset, and it just broke my heart. I know I have to eventually let him self-soothe himself to sleep, but I just feel he is too little right now; however, I will give it a try everyday and eventually he will figure out that sleeping in his bed feels much better than sleeping sitting up in that swing (try convincing him of that though...hhahah...he LOVES that swing of his....thanks grandma and grandpa
Voda for that swing, who would have thought he would love it so much!!)
Moving on to a happier note, Maddox is figuring out how to use his little hands more and more everyday. He can grab toys and hold onto them for a little bit and he plays in his little
bumbo chair and plays with a toy. It is really cute, when he is working hard he sticks out his
tongue so it will help him (takes after his momma with that one...i still
don't know why I think my
tongue helps me with
difficult or straining tasks, but I sure do use it...
I shall leave you all with a picture of the
Madd-Man playing away in his
bumbo chair!!
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