One of my favorite parts about being a mommy is the amazing opportunity to observe such a sweet little boy on a daily basis! This child makes my blood pressure go through the roof with his strong will and spirited personality....but the same child brings me more joy, happiness and laughter than I ever could have imagined! Maddox is so clingy to me right now and while at times it can be very exhausting to hear the non stop "momma' throughout the day.....I love the fact that he wants me around and gets worried when he can't "find" me. He is so funny, loving, passionate, spirited, energetic, and creative. He is well on his was to learning the alphabet....if fact, if you ask him to go find the letter "M" on his refrigerator magnets, he will bring it to you every single time.....and tonight we made it through "F' when repeating the ABC's. He "reads"(points to letters and babbles something that you can't understand) all the time and loves for you to clap for him! Oh I cannot express how awesome this little boy is to me, so I will leave you with some pictures and you can decide for yourself!!!

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