Friday, March 12, 2010

Contractions Contractions

Contractions, Contractions, please go away!
Contractions Contractions, you are not welcome to stay!
Contractions Contractions, you need to find a different plan!
You make me anxious and my husband a nervous man!
Contractions Contractions, please be calm and meek
you can do your job in 8 short weeks!
Contractions Contractions, you are making me crazy
and this medicine I take sure makes everything look hazy!
Contractions Contractions, it sure has been "fun"
but please go away so I can go soak up some sun!!!

Thank you dear ol contractions for listening to this poem! Please leave Paxton and I alone for a few more weeks. We will welcome you back in due time...but for now, I need you to pack up your stuff, take your cramping, uterus controlling ways and get the heck out of here!!
Thanks so much!!
The lady you are making crazy....ME!!

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