Thursday, May 3, 2012

Paxton Turned Two

 I have been waiting to do this post until I had pictures to post with it; however, my camera was unfortunately left in Oklahoma City, so this post will once again be without pictures....bummer!

April 20th, our (current) youngest turned 2 years old!! Oh Paxton James, how is it possible that two years have passed since I held you in my arms for the first time and immediately fell in love. Our lives were forever changed when you joined our family and we are so thankful God chose us to be your parents.

You give the best hugs. Flying hugs as daddy likes to call them.
You have the silliest smile that brightens my day every time you choose to sport that goofy grin!
You can be the sweetest little guy (when you want to be)
You can also be the most stubborn little man I have ever been around. If it is not your idea, then it just isn't going to happen and there is NO way of calmly convincing you otherwise.
You have a very competitive nature about you. You want to be the first to do everything.
You are talking more and more everyday and making everyone's lives a little easier
Your favorite toys are trains and legos. You will stand and build at your lego table off and on all day.
You are starting to get along better with Maddox (sometimes)
Your favorite time of day is when Daddy gets home from work.
You LOVE your big turquoise blanket and I find you the absolute cutest when you snuggle up with that blanket.
You weigh about 26 pounds
You are the hardest little guy to get to eat anything; however, you have made huge progress this past week and have eaten everything that has been offered to you.
You wear mostly 18 months and 2T clothes; however you can still wear some 12 month shorts
You have really started to like books and you call them "schools"
You call your trains "toot toots"
You call all animals by the sound they make rather than by their name
You call Maddox something that sounds like "Mine-y" (Sounds like you are saying MINE which causes a lot of arguments because a lot of times you are most certainly yelling out "MINE" to get something you want, and other times you are attempting to say Maddox and you get in trouble because we think you are saying "Mine")
You still refuse to come to the realization that you are going to have a baby sister in the house soon. HA.
You love to play and can play independently for a good length of time

Oh sweet Paxton. You are one loved little boy. We look forward to see what this next year holds for you. Our prayers for you are that you grow strong and healthy. We pray you learn to communicate with less frustration and anger. We pray the Lord guides us as we guide you to be the man that HE created you to be. We pray you continue to have a passion for life and we can help eliminate that temper that seems to appear frequently. We pray we guide you with Grace as you transition from baby to toddler. We pray that you know how loved, special and important you are in our family. We pray the Lord protects your sensitive soul as we make some huge changes in the next few months when Harper arrives. We pray your bond with your brother (and sister) would grow unbreakable. We pray that the Lord gives us all the tools we need to be the best parents we can be for you. We sure do love you Paxton. Let's make TWO, Terrific!!

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