Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Paxton is 5

Paxton is 5! Wow. Just wow. Such a milestone age. No longer a toddler, and now an official big kid. He will finish up pre-school and we prep for kindergarten. He's a whole hand old now! These past five years have been such a ride, but I would have to say, watching him this past year, as he matured from the age of 4 to 5, has been my favorite (and equally exhausting). He is figuring out his emotions and how to express them without having full meltdowns. This takes a lot of maturity for a highly sensitive child! He has found his own sense of humor, and he has found a joy that can only be described as awe inspiring. Yes, he has moments of down right impatience, emotional outburst and such a stubborn personality, but even the most difficult of day doesn't compare to the most beautiful of days with him! He has the sweetest heart and loves to be around other people. He gives the best hugs...like, best hugs of all time! He gives his teacher a hug all throughout the day, and when he sees Maddox's teacher, and Maddox's kindergarten teacher he is eager to run and give them a big hug as well. It's hard to fully explain how beautiful this is unless you've walked this journey with us throughout the past 5 years. If you remember back to the times when Paxton was in total fear of anyone new. The door bell could ring and send Paxton into a fit of anxiety. Shaking and crying because he was so scared. Think back to his first year of Mother's Day out when his teacher had to carry him throughout the day because he would get so nervous about each transition. He is finding confidence. He has certainly found his voice and expresses just what and how he thinks a situation should go. He isn't afraid to express when he is unhappy, but that is met with the more beautiful character trait that is over enthusiastic and charismatic about new fun adventures. He is smart as a tack. I have no doubt that he will be reading by the end of this summer. He is the most detailed color-ER I have ever watched. He loves video games and is discovering a love for baseball.
Oh my Paxton, my love, you are a light in my life. I am truly honored to be your momma and to guide you throughout your life! I love you so much little man!!! I am so proud of the boy you are becoming!! I know some days are just so difficult and frustrating and I want you to know that I am always on your side, even when it's my job to make sure we get you back on track! I love how proud of yourself you are after a great day at school. I love you to the moon and back. I have a feeling, this year will be the best one yet!!!!!

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