Monday, February 27, 2012

Road to Recovery

We took Paxton back to the doctor on Saturday and again today for a follow up on his Staph infection and a wound check. I was pleased to hear that everything looks great and he is healing up perfectly. The wound still bothers him some and he requires a dose or two of pain medicine throughout the day; however, overall he seems to be doing great. The only downfall is all the medicine he is on right now really upsets his little tummy and is making him super cranky. I am trying to keep my patience with a super whiney and much more demanding little guy and I am praying this does not become a phase we have to figure out how to boot out the front door. (I am certain once he is off all these high dose meds he will be back to his normal self....fingers crossed!)

I am reminded once again how blessed we are to have healthy babies. I am very aware that this horrible infection could have gotten REALLY bad and even life threatening in just a matter of days. I am thankful that my current littlest man is doing much better and on the road to recovery.

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